Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Universoty of Miranda MiaAna. L2. Liquid Fasting.

Liquid Fasting:

Simply put, the liquid fasting course involves only drinking liquids every other day of the week.

Weekly Check-ins: You will need to turn in a chart of the calories you have consumed each week (categorized into days of the week)

Homework: Every 3 days I will give you a beverage to look up, and you need to give me the nutrition facts of that beverage.

Finals: You will be required to write an essay on the benefits of drinking water (in general). 5 paragraph format.

Work-out System:

The work-out system is simple. You work out every day, and add up how many calories you have burned.

Weekly Check-ins: You will need to chart how many calories you burn each week to turn into the dean (categorized into days of the week)

Homework: Every Thursday I will give you a list of exercises done by ‘someone’ in one day and you are to research and report to the dean how many calories that person has burned.

Finals: At the end of the term you will be given a list of exercises done by ‘somenone’ within a whole week. You will need to research and report how many calories that oerson bured throughout the week.

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