Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ABC Diet Day 2:500 cals

Today went amazing as far as calorie intake anyway! Well Here's my measurements:)

Start of Diet Weight: 99.4lbs
Current Weight: 97.4lbs
Total Weightloss: -2lbs
Pounds to lose until goal weight: 22.4lbs
BMI: 17.8

Stromboli- 480cals (not a healty choice but I was hungery for some)

Wish Me Luck With Tomorrow<3

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ABC Diet Day 1:500cals (FINALLY!)

Like I said before nothing was or is gonna hold me back from doing this diet from now on!! I'm so motivated right now:) Anyway I decided to drop off the start of 0 cals I put there myself because that was my fault in the diet because of my mom and her idiotic way of making me eat in front of her so I just went straight to the actual diet with 500 cals!

What I eat Today:
Chocolate and Peanut butter cookie:200 cals (was forced to eat it for a school project)
Salad made of lettuce and cucumbers with ranch dressing: 100 cals
Sun Chips: 150 cals
TOTAL: 450cals

Starting weight for this diet was: 99.4lbs
Current weight by the end of the day: 99lbs
Total weightloss so far: -.4lbs
MEASUREMENTS (to be checked every Monday from now on):
BMI- 18.1
Chest (ribs)- 26"
Boobs- 30" (32A)
Waist- 29"
Hips- 31"
Upper Arm- 9"
Lower Arm- 9"
Thigh- 18"
Calf- 12"
Neck- 13"
Shoulders- 34"
Body Fat Percentage- 13.54%

Wish Me The Best of Luck! Make Sure To Comment to Keep Me This Motivated!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another Thinspo


Take the Challenge;)

I've found this great new way to keep myself motivated! Try it too!!!

MK challenge
15 Points:
*no food all day
*burning more than 300 calories
*eight or more cups of H2O

10 Points:
*300 or less calories
*burning 200-300 calories
*6 or 7 cups of water
*commenting on five other sites

7 Points:
*300-500 calories
*burning 150-200 calories
*4 or 5 cups of water
*commenting on three sites

2 Points:
*purging on a binge

1 Point:
*resisting food
*every hour of sleep
*every cup of green tea
*diet pills

-5 Points:
Calorie Intake:Fasting 8 Points
001-100 7 Points
201-300 6 Points
301-400 5 Points401-500 4 Points500+ 1 Point
Sleep (in hours)10-12 8 Points
08-10 6 Points
06-08 4 Points
04-06 2 Points
00-03 1 Point
Exercise (in minutes)60+ 8 Points
45-60 6 Points
30-45 4 Points
15-30 2 Points
05-15 1 Point
none -2 Points
Water (per cup) 5+ 8 Points
5 6 Points
4 5 Points
3 3 Points
2 2 Points
1 1 Point
Sit-Ups 120+ 8 Points
100-120 7 Points
080-100 6 Points
060-080 5 Points
040-060 4 Points
020-040 2 Points
000-020 1 Point

Post your points and this challenge on your blog and we'll all have a little competition! Point check every Monday! Tell me what ya think!!!

I love new followers!

I wanna say thanks for following me and now mtivating me to help my BIG FAT problem. I'm FINALLY starting my ABC tomorrow and no one not even my family can stop me this time around! I need to get this off my body. I'm disgusted more than ever my all of it just taring my in the face! :o i'M GONNA BE SICK

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Some of my favorite Thinspo

                                                                   Her Arms are to die.
                                   The first time I saw this picture i cried so much.. why can't I have this?
 Her legs her hip. Nuff said.
 When I saw this picture I got my goal of 75 pounds. It was first 80 but I thought I'll be thinner than this at 75.
                                                                        Oh those ribs...
 The beautiful curve to her back and those hip bones! Stunning!!!
                                                       The gap in her legs i've wanted all my life...
                                                                   Arms arms arms
                                                                           Tiny Tummy :'(
                                               Her ribs are soo amazing! The way they stick out!
                                              Needless to say her legs are my ultimate want in life
                                                    The gap at her hips between her underwear!
                                                                               Those thighs!
                                                                 The flat perfect tummy
                                                                        Ribs are so sexy.
              Hipbones are what I really look forward to at my ultimate goal weight. They are the sign of perfection.
                                                            Skinny is Sexy. Big Isn't Beautiful.
                                                         Reminds me of a skinnier prettier me.
                            Sierra is the name of a girl in my school. I hate her because she's beautiful.
                                                                                I wish.
                                                                           Legs again.
                                                                  Pretty pretty pretty skinny
                                                                I have a disgusting butt...

Want more? Tell me!

Me :(

Well that's me... :[

Worst Weekend Ever:(

First of all I've had to put off my ABC again until tomorrow because of the family diners I've benn forced into where everyone stares at me waiting for me to eat. I almost died when I checked the scale, I literally broke into tears. I'm now 99.8! Almost 100 pounds! I just can't take it. I'm about to exercise which will basically consist of yoga because it's quiet and my moms trying to sleep and my sisters as well. Here's a link to an amazing yoga channel on youtube try it out : it works:)! Since we're on the topic of youtube I was wondering if you'd think it was a good idea for me to start making videos tracking my weight with a little clip of how my body looks each day on my ABC. Is it a good idea or not? Let me know! Secondly, my boyfriend broke up with me on April Fools day! It was so embarasing... and my last point of this blog is to give praise to my cousin, Kyle. He died exactly seven months again at the age of 21. He commited suicide. He's all I think about every moment of every day and it's so hard to live without him. He's my reason for the way I am (and the fact that I'm fat helps too). I wanna be able to hold him but I can't. I wanna see him but I can't. There's so much left I could say to him but I won't. I can't. I'm crying... I'm sorry...

Kyle Hainley (September 3, 2010) I love you.