Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Univeristy Miranda AnaMia. L0. Get Fit.

Get Fit:

The Get Fit course is to introduce new people to the basics of the exercise fanatics world.

You will start with this list of exercises you are allowed to use in your weekly check-in (you have to do all of these at least once a week):

1.      Sit-ups

2.      Push-ups

3.      Walking

4.      Running

5.      Stretching

6.      Sports Practices (only for those in sports)

Weekly Check-in: You will be required to list every time exercised, and for how long or for how many reps. You need to chart this in categories based on days (Ex; Monday: Push-ups- 100, sit-ups- 500, jumping jacks- 300; Tuesday: etc., etc., etc.)

Homework: Every week I will give you at least ne new exercise for you to do. Every week you will add one new exercise for you to do.

Finals: I will choose one of your four weeks of weekly check-ins and give it back to you, and you will be required to research how many calories you burned in that whole entire weekly, (roughly close to the correct number will get you full credit)

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