Thursday, March 22, 2012

The flies.

The flies....
in my house are overwhelming. Crawling over everything. Crawling over me. LIke a decaying body left deep forest to rot. Is that what I've become? Skinny and dead? Sounds Hell of a lot better than what I've got now. Fat, and barely alive. I wish I could rearrange the way things are....

The flies in my house are overwhelming....

Hey guys, sorry for the long, depressing rants lately. I'v been in oneof those moods again this week. The self pity kind. I know it's annoying but,, this is the only place I can vent things like this. I bet you wanna know about my weight.... Checked it this morning and I'mdown to exactly 100. This may sound exciting but I've been here before and I'm still not staisfied. It's not like I've taken a long drop anyway... starving, recovery, starving, recovery. What a misguided pattern. I just wanna be 75 already. I just want to be skinny. I just want to be n o t i c e d.


  1. I can not stand flies. They are nasty little things. I'm glad to hear you got down to 100. That's awesome. Beautiful picture by the way. So amazing.

  2. Everyone needs to let it all out somewhere right? And I know what you mean about flies. Nats are the worse. they're tiny and always in billions. They love getting in your eyes. Ugh, I hate them. You could always buy a fan. I noticed when I would go on vacation to hot areas the flies couldn't get to me cause of the fan blowing them away.

  3. It's your blog hun, write however you feel. We're here for you best we can xo Congrats on the weigh in though, and good luck with your goals! Stay strong xo

  4. 100 is a dream for me right now. 120.0 this morning. Stay strong & know that theres a million other girls trying to starve & get skinny too. You will get there =)


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