Monday, April 2, 2012

The Walls.

I've been staring at these same four walls for two days straight now. It's gotten old. I'll make this story short. Major Fight With Mom. I never want to come out again. And have I mentioned that I also haven't eaten for these two days? The good thing I got out of it... 101lbs to 94lbs. Woot. And yet for some reason I don't think I've looked chunkier. Why is that? :/  And my face is covered in disgusting bumps. I almost can't stand them as much as the bump located on my lower stomach. Newest goal weight only 20lbs away.....


  1. 7lbs?!?! Wow. That's awesome. Keep going =)

  2. Oh my gosh, so jealous lol. What is your usual intake like? Or is it always random like mine tends to be? Stay strong!
    All my support,
    <3 A Fragile Heart

  3. Hope things get better for you soon, but congrats on the weigh in!


Make My Day:)