Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Truth.

It hits you like a stray bullet. It hurts like one too. Wanna know? Be quiet. You're the only ones I can tell....

One Hundred Truths:
1. My name is Jordan.
2. I'm 15 years old.
3. I currently weigh 106 pounds.
4. The most I've ever weighed in my life.
5. I'm 5'3".
6. I'm really short, shortest of all my friends.
7. I live in Pennslyvania.
8. I have a loving mom.
9. 2 sisters, 2 brothers
10. And a Dad.
11. .... and a step-mom
12. My parents split when I was in 5th grade.
13. The nest year I started cutting.
14. I haven't seen my dad since he left until this year. He cheated on my mom.
15. My sisters are four and five. They don't know what a dad is.
16. In 7th grade, I discovered I could make myself throw up.
17. I did it after every meal.
18. I was sent to three therapist who did no help at all. I am currently without one.
19. I seriously hate my stomach.
20. It's the most disusting things I've ever seen.
21. In 8th grade, last year, I could no longer puke, I had broken my gag reflex.
22. So I discovered if I didn't eat anything... there was nothing I needed to get out.
23. My lowest weight was a pathetic 90lbs.
24. I tried to self recover myself uncountabe times.
25. No one knows about my starving.
26. In 5th grade I discovered I was bisexual. And I'll never tell a soul.
27. I wish more than anything to weigh 75lbs.
28. To be nothing but bones.
29. To look outside what I feel on the in.
30. I don't think there was a time I was ever really happy.
31. I'm so selfish, I have no problems compared to everyone else... but look at me. Pathetic.
32. Everyone says 'anorexic skinny' girls are disgusting.... I strongly disagree.
33. I cut myself on my ankles... because they'll always only check your arms.
34. After I'm done posting this... I plan on cutting myself.
35. I feel the lonliest, in the most crowded of rooms.
36. I've always wanted to be checked into a mental hospital.
37. I escape into books, to escape from myself.
38. I make up all my problems. I have none, I'm just duranged.
39. I want to cry so bad... but I wouldn't dare show weakness.
40. People call me fat and ugly every day. Everywhere I go. The internet, at home, especially at school, even in my own head. There is no escape for me.
41. I've tried to kill myself three times.
42. Twice in 7th grade, once in 8th grade.
43. All three times with overdose.
44. Each time I woke up.
45. Why can't I ever swallow enough?
46. If I had a gun, I'd be long gone.
47. 7th grade year.... I was 13..... I was into drugs.
48. I was always too pussy to go into hardcore stuff though.
49. I crushed (popped um too) pills, smoked every chance I got.
50. I'm such a fuck up, I can't even cut myself the 'right' way.
51. I'm too much of a bitch to do it with a blade.. I do it with a jagged edge.
52. I do it with the metal end of a tape dispensor.
53. I got the idea from a girl in my class.
54. She accidentially broke a tape thing in the hallway, picked up the metal part and said "why don't you cut yourself with this?" so I did.
55. I never, ever sleep. Insomnia, maybe. Who knows....
56. I don't feel pain. I feel nothing. Maybe that's worse.
57. I expect that by now, no one is reading this.
58. I truely believe I'm the ugliest person I know... maybe even on the planet.
59. It's sick, and wrong... but I wish I had cancer... so I'd wither and die. So I didn't have to wait to find the courage to do it myself.
60. Rape and kidnapping are my worst fears.
61. I want to go to school to become a therapist. How ironic, eh?
62. I'm a whiny slut. No really, ask anyone.
63. I want someone to tell me I'm gorgeous, but no one seems to want to step up to the task.
64. I want to cuddle, right now.
65. I want to be a model. Want is the key word. Fat, ugly, and awkward are the bolt locks.
66. Numb. Numb. Numb. Numb. Numb. Numb. Numb.
67. If I could do any drug, it'd be cocaine. Lose weight, get away.
68. I hate exercise, no wonder I got this way, huge.
69. If you are what you eat, I am nothing.
70. If my hair and make up aren't perfect... I won't go to school. I'll be on sick leave for the day.
71. I'm an A-Cup. Woot, how sexy....
72. I cut in class. A pencil tip, my weapon of choice.
73. My eyes aren't even pretty.
74. I want help, but I don't want to ask.
75. Hip bones are my ultimate goal, but it'll never be so.
76. Being over 100lbs scares me so much....
77. I can calculate my weight in over 50 different systems.
78. I won't stop, never stop....
79. If I have no weapon of choice, I bite my skin til I bleed.
80. If I run away I'll never survive. If I stay here I'll never survive. Help me.
81. I don't even smile, yet no one can see it.
82. Hiding cuts is my art.
83. Huge thighs. No gap.
84. I spend all nights, every single night, going through weightloss blogs... hoping I can someday look like that, but knowing I can't.
85. I wake up every morning contemplating every possible way not to eat all day.
86. "Let me help you!" "Go away."
87. Lips seeled tight. Won't eat tonight.
88. Wishing my Mom was on a diet, so I have an excuse to be too.
89. My best friend screams at me for not eating... she's not worred. She just thinks I'm dumb. An attention whore, a skank.
90. I think she's right.
91. Everyone I ever gave anything to, left.
92. I don't even have internet friends. They think I'm just lying too.
93. I still feel guilty even after I only eat 100 calories.
94. I have a sick attration to older men.
95. I'm more attracted to women then men, but I have'nt been with either.
96. I'm the biggest hypocrate alive. I promise you that.
97. I'll never be happy with the way I look, no matter what I do.
98. I'll never believe a word you say, sorry, I won't.
99. So many more secrets, not enough time, not enough space.
100. I love to hate myself.

On a still saddened note,, picture updates(fat, waterblotted, disgusting.):
Someone please tell me how gross I really am? Please?


  1. You're gorgeous. Whether you believe it or not, it's true. I'll always be here if you need to talk to anyone, sorry if that sounds weird as I don't really know you. I don't think you're a liar, how could anyone accuse you of lying?
    Also, I bite myself until I bleed when I'm in a situation where I can't find a sharp enough object too. I thought I was the only one.
    Never feel like you're alone.

  2. honey
    you aren't as gross as you mention. but sure, i am a stranger and you won't believe in me. it may help you to think about your goals and how to get there.
    maybe you can make some friends with people and talk about what moves you and motivates you.
    hang in there! we are all with you ♥

  3. "I feel the lonliest, in the most crowded of rooms" I wrote pretty much that exact line (I used lonely instead of loneliest) in middle school. I hate my stomach more than any other body part too.


  4. Sweetie, I just read your 30 truths and it broke my heart but I also can identify with you so much.

    You have to believe that things will get better. Your 'friends' are not true friends if they call you names.

    Please stay well and keep safe,

    Much love,

    Ruby tuesdayxxx

  5. I know you said you won't believe to any words I and others say, but I really see no point in saying lies right now. So when I write that I feel so close to you, and feel destroyed about it, and wish I knew what to do to make you feel better, to make you feel happy, I truly and deeply mean it.
    It's weird, because I don't know you, but I feel so much like telling you one hundred truths about me as well, and see that we're not that different after all.

    Just...don't think you are what those people tell you. People often have to keep a lot of shit out and fragile souls are their favourite targets. People used to say that they had seen me taking a needle out of my bag and taking heroin during my classes, which is ridicolous, really, but if you asked them, they'd swear on their parents I did.

    Finding a friend, or even just someone to talk to, is difficult. I keep rejecting everyone too, a bit because I know they'll hurt me and leave me, a bit because I know I'll disappoint them and hurt them even more. But, for some sick reason, I keep trying.

    I promise you that whenever you feel like talking (about whatever you want), I'll be here to listen to you.

    Love ( a lot)


  6. I don't believe you weigh 106 pounds. I am 5'3 and i wheigh 115 ponds and look much skinnier than you..

  7. Jordan,
    My name is Jordan also. I'm a college sophomore that reads pro-ana blogs whenever I'm feeling low. When I was in the 6th grade, I was FAT. I weight 125 lbs at only 4'10. Then before the 7th grade, my best friend died. I was put on a few scripts, and got addicted fast. I tried to kill myself on overdose and when that didn't work I didn't leave my bed or ate for almost a year. We have alot in common. If you need someone, talk to me.


Make My Day:)