Tuesday, November 15, 2011

ABC Diet Day 2: 500 cals

Today was less than a challenge. I couldn't belive how easily I am going past foods I would have once picked up with no thought. It's unbelievable. It's glorious. I ate okay today, not even things I like to eat. It was rather bland... Anyway here is today!
Current Weight: 102.2lbs
Weight lost: -1.2lbs
Overrall Weightloss: -2.8lbs
BMI: 18.7
Food intake: Breakfast Essentials Chocolate (130cals), Ham and cheese sandwich on wheat bread (250cals), French Onion Sun Chips (130cals), Chocolate Milk (170cals)
Total Food Intake: 850
Exercise: 35min on my eliptical (451cals)
Total Calorie Intake: 499
Me today:
No real difference yet but that's to be expected. I just wanna get rid of my tummy and thighs. Then maybe I'd be happy. Ughh, I wish I was taller so my weight would look like less than it is (I'm 5'2"). I wanna say that I am starting to get hunger pains but they aren't very extreme and I'm quite used to them this far along in anorexia. I've recovered about two times now. Bad habits really are hard to break. I need support... :/
Stay Beautiful,
Jordan <3


  1. I'm wondering- if you are in recovery or have been for 2 months.. How come you are on ABC?

    You might have explained this before. But for me it just doesn't seem right...

    Maybe you should contact your recovery therapist or something like that?

  2. You look great hun, I wish I could have boobs like yours with such a tiny frame!

    Si xx


Make My Day:)